What are your guesses? Are we having a little boy or a little girl?
We are so excited to reveal if we are having a little baby boy or a little baby girl!! I truly am beyond words. This is truly one of the most wonderful times of my life. I cannot believe in just several short months, I am going to be a mother. I have wanted to be a mother for as long as I can remember. It was something I knew I was called to be. To think that I get to be responsible for a human life, to help nurture and love him or her! It’s both thrilling and terrifying!
Of course we had to have our fur baby, Ozzy tell us if he was having a little brother or sister! It was absolutely perfect. Nate and I turned around, and one of Nate’s best friends placed the pink or blue scarf on Ozzy. Then we turned and saw! I will admit, when we first found out if we were having a boy or a girl, I was for a split second disappointed. But after that feeling had passed, I was thrilled! My mind was racing with names, activities I can’t wait to do with my baby and what our relationship will be like.
So now, I will let Ozzy tell you too!

So any final guesses before I reveal if we are having a baby boy or girl?

It’s A Boy!!!!
Photos | Kelly Pomeroy Photography
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